The 2022 Clean School Bus(CSB) Rebate Award Winners have been announced! Click here to view the results.
At this time, through a lottery system, the EPA Clean School Bus Program has selected nearly 400 applications totaling almost $1 billion to support the purchase of over 2,400 buses, 95% of which will be electric. EPA will distribute awards to school districts in all 50 states and Washington D.C., along with several federally recognized Tribes and U.S. territories. School districts identified as priority areas serving low-income, rural, and, or Tribal students make up 99% of the projects that were selected. More applications are under review, and the agency plans to select more to reach the full $965 million in the coming weeks. Award winners were notified of selection via email and must refer to that email notification for their official award details and instructions on how to proceed.
For program applicants not selected in the initial round An alphabetized wait list has also been posted. If more funding is made available due to drop-outs, they might be contacted. These awards are the first $1 billion of a five-year, $5 billion program. EPA encourages school districts not selected in the first round of rebates – and those that did not apply this funding cycle – to participate in future rounds. Please continue to check the CSB website for more information and maintain an active account to ensure you are prepared to take advantage of future funding opportunities.
Among the applicants from the Greater Rochester Clean Cities(GRCC), Naples Central School District was selected as a recipient of a CSB rebate in the amount of $790,000 which will provide for the purchase of 2 electric school buses. In addition, eleven additional districts from our region were placed on the waitlist with the potential for future funding that may result from applicant dropouts.
For the latest information on Clean School Bus funding opportunities, news, and resources, please visit: and click here to sign-up for the Clean School Bus News list.